martes, 30 de abril de 2013


Wow. Already May.

1) Glad to have read this:

 Cuando vivimos según la referencia al obje­to, el punto de referencia interno es el ego. Sin embargo, el ego no es lo que realmente somos. El ego es nuestra autoimagen, nuestra máscara social; es el papel que estamos desempeñando. A la más­cara social le gusta la aprobación; quiere contro­lar, y se apoya en el poder porque vive en el temor.
Nuestro verdadero yo, que es nuestro espíritu, nuestra alma, está completamente libre de esas cosas. Es inmune a la crítica, no le teme a ningún desafío y no se siente inferior a nadie. Y, sin embar­go, es humilde y no se siente superior a nadie, por­que es consciente de que todos los demás son el mis­mo yo, el mismo espíritu con distintos disfraces.

2) Glad I could keep my promises/goals for today

3) Glad I feel I have true friends and that they have fucking awesome lives. We're all going to really enjoy summer, wherever we are. 


1. Being able to watch this video:
Choose love over fear.
2. Knowing that I will go see my sisters and close ones in 5 days.
3. that I'm keeping up with a list of promises I made 8 days ago. only 22 more days to go.
best of luck to all. x

domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011


I guess parents can get too excited and go overboard.
I have been away from home for 4 months and whilst I have changed for the better; become more independent and responsible, things back home seem to remain the same. Stale, beautiful, but the same after all.

I arrive at the airport hoping to see my family and I do spot my mother jumping up and down, shouting my name amidst the crowd.

I walk calmly to her, with a knowing smile on my face. She unexpectedly points enthusiastically to her right.

A band. A band of native music of my country, playing in the middle of the international airport with over 600 people watching.

I was proud of my parents for going through the trouble of hiring a band. I was happy, I felt blissful.
I danced a dance that I have only seen on national television. I smiled.
I laughed.
This old woman asked my mom if she could dance with me. I happily took her wrinkled hand and followed her energetic steps and danced away.

Ever have I felt more free. Free of ridicule, free with love, free because of utter happiness.

And I guess that's what life is about. Not about great and exaggerated surprises but about seizing the day, feel its pulse. Recognize the daily miracles that swirl between us.

This entry has no other purpose than to recount a spectacular event, give thanks for it and to remember it fondly.

lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

Significant Moments to present

(Not in chronological order or degree of importance)

1) Student exchange trip to France:
- Appreciate diversity (was able to see that each person has his/her own little universe inside their head, molded by culture, family, experiences and randomness).
- I was immersed in a completely different reality.
- I grew up, I matured for it was the first time my family was not around.

2) Un Techo Para Mi País experience:
- Again, diversity. But in this case, it was not that I was admiring the new culture but I felt in shock to see such a precarious reality.
- Burst the bubble, may I add.
- See economic disparity in its worse gown. Social injustice. Have the powerful wanting to do something about this, change this reality but being limited by not knowing what to do and by knowing that even if I do something, it is very possible the effect will not be that great. Frustrating.
- Also felt guilty, in a way.

3) Family Experiences:
- Going to a business meeting with my Dad to Brazil. It was a turning point in our relationship, it consolidated it.
- The meeting itself inspired me to be active in such community and that our generation IS the future of the world - we should not be hesitant to participate.

4) The fifth grade show:
- helped me overcome my first big challenge - actually act (I was a very shy little girl).
- Taught me that by really giving your best, you are rewarded by confidence ! The Head of Drama then told me I should definitely audition for the following year's play - which I did and got a role!
- Thanks to this little event I became hugely involved in theatrical productions.

5)  My trip to Sweden:
- Met family that live on the other side of the world. Made me remember my grandfather, whom I still (albeit that the years have passed) miss greatly.
- Saw a culture so different from mine (even more so than the French culture). They are so respectful and have a different outlook on life. So linked to nature as well.

6) Geography Class:
- Even though it sounds silly, I loved that class wholeheartedly. I smiled every time I knew I had that class. It was always so interesting and illuminating to hear the teacher that knew so much and had lived in so many places around the world.
- What I loved the most is its interdisciplinary nature. We not only looked at physical geography but we also looked at TNC's (Trans National Corporations), Globalization, world trade, etc. This class helped me realize I loved learning about foreign trade and investment and management... my ideal career is international business!

7) Leading a community service group.
- I realized the headmistress of upper school really trusted me in a role of responsibility.

8) My sister's accident (she fell off her horse and then the horse fell backwards on top of her. She broke her hip in 5 locations and has undergone two surgeries and in two weeks time she'll have her third and last operation).
- She taught me a lot about courage and strength. We all have different pain thresholds right? Well, I always considered my sister could feel pain like 10 times worse than I did - yet she went through this experience! I admire her immensely.

I think that's about it.

Fourth of July


1) I have recently returned from an amazing trip to Scotland and the US (Pennsylvania). What more could I ask? Truth is, I was terrified. I was traveling to visit universities and the fact that I was on this trip is that I'm really doing this! Am I ready? Don't think so. But I don't think I'll ever be truly ready to live on my own. Going abroad to study is a fairly common thing to do, but not in my country. I KNOW I want to study abroad; it will help me grow up, become independent and give my life a sweet international twist. I just have to overcome this slightly strong (funny oxymoron) trepidation.

2) I'm thankful that I'm alive and safe back home. I truly am. The flight back to Lima was atrocious; we even went through a storm area (lightning bolts included!). The plane was shifting, jumping, you name it. The sky was pitch black but it would suddenly light up and become red. It was, an experience I should say. Now that I remember this, it sounds quite fun. But believe me, it was not at the moment.

3) I'm grateful that I found a book by Katie Malachuk called 'You're accepted'. It really helps you get stress-free through the admissions process. I recommend it.

4) I'm thankful that medicines and medical attention is completely free in Scotland. I had a little medical emergency (nothing to worry about now!) and I was treated immediately, free of charge. We were more than willing to pay but they refused. I wish this were the case in my country.

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011


Hace unos días que no escribía nada pero parece que todas las cosas alegres se han aglomerado hoy día!

1. Es el cumpleaños de mi Papá (comimos un riquísimo sushi en uno de los mejores sushi bars llamado 'Matsuei' avec toute la famille!
2. Pasé el examen teórico de manejo.
3. Regalé un dibujo de un buddha a mi tía: sentí muchísima felicidad al dibujarlo y regalarlo y toda esta felicidad fue como un boomerang colosal porque me sentí mucho más feliz al saber que le había gustado muchísimo!
4. De la nada, me llegó una carta! Una carta como las antiguas. No hay nada como eso. Era una amiga que desde hacía unos meses que no la veía tanto como antes y me contaba acerca de su vida. Simple pero tremendamente impactante. Un amor.
5. Mi primo me llamó para decirme que su mamá que se encuentra en USA por razones de salud, se encuentra mucho mejor! Es cierto cuando dicen que la salud no tiene precio.

Por último, justo ayer me reuní con una chica que es como un counselor para postular a las universidades de USA y creamos un ambiente recontra positivo. Estamos sumamente encaminadas y emocionadas con todo el asunto. Me dijo que de todos sus alumnos yo era la que tenía más chances de ingresar! Es un tremendo relief. Yo siempre pensaba que no era 'good enough' pero ahora veo que sí!! No puedo estar más feliz!

jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

Citas de Juan Salvador Gaviota

Justo me encuentro leyendo este libro que me acaban de prestar hace unas horas.

Me encanta que sepa que la razón principal de volar no es comer, sino el simple y precioso hecho de volar. Como el fin o propósito de nuestra vida no es ganar dinero, por ejemplo, sino disfrutar de ella!

Como dice el autor, "este modo de pensar, descubrió, no es la manera que uno se hace popular entre los demás pájaros".

"hay tanto que aprender!"

Quisiera compartir algunas de las frases que mas me han impactado:

Cuando descubrió y perfecciono el arte de volar y quería contárselo a la bandada; "Podremos alzarnos sobre nuestra ignorancia, podremos descubrirnos como criaturas de perfección, inteligencia y habilidad. Podremos ser libres! Podremos aprender a volar!"

Después de ser desterrado, "Juan Gaviota descubrió que el aburrimiento y el miedo y la ira, son las razones por las que la vida de una gaviota es tan corta, y al desaparecer aquellas de su pensamiento, tuvo por cierto una vida larga y buena".

Conversando con la Gaviota Mayor sabia, " las gaviotas que desprecian la perfeccion por el gusto de viajar, no llegan a ninguna parte, y lo hacen lentamente. Las que se olvidan de viajar por alcanzar la perfeccion, llegan a todas partes."

Ya cerca del final de la historia "
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