domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011


I guess parents can get too excited and go overboard.
I have been away from home for 4 months and whilst I have changed for the better; become more independent and responsible, things back home seem to remain the same. Stale, beautiful, but the same after all.

I arrive at the airport hoping to see my family and I do spot my mother jumping up and down, shouting my name amidst the crowd.

I walk calmly to her, with a knowing smile on my face. She unexpectedly points enthusiastically to her right.

A band. A band of native music of my country, playing in the middle of the international airport with over 600 people watching.

I was proud of my parents for going through the trouble of hiring a band. I was happy, I felt blissful.
I danced a dance that I have only seen on national television. I smiled.
I laughed.
This old woman asked my mom if she could dance with me. I happily took her wrinkled hand and followed her energetic steps and danced away.

Ever have I felt more free. Free of ridicule, free with love, free because of utter happiness.

And I guess that's what life is about. Not about great and exaggerated surprises but about seizing the day, feel its pulse. Recognize the daily miracles that swirl between us.

This entry has no other purpose than to recount a spectacular event, give thanks for it and to remember it fondly.

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